MoonYield is a decentralized borrowing protocol built on the Binance Smart Chain. It enables users to access interest-free loans by collateralizing their MSS. Loans are issued in MUSD, a USD-pegged stablecoin. The protocol is governed by the Moonshare Token. Key Features: Interest-Free Borrowing: Borrowers can take out loans without incurring interest.
MUSD Stablecoin: Loans are issued in MUSD, which is soft-pegged to the USD.
Fully Decentralized: Moonyield operates with no central authority. Tokens: MSS (Mint Stake Share) token: The featured utility token of the Moonyield platform. MUSD (Moon USD): MUSD is the stablecoin issued by the MoonYield protocol. It is soft-pegged to the USD.
Moonshare Token: Moonshare is earned by Stability Pool participants and through other incentivized activities.
How It Works: Collateralization:
Users deposit MSS into the protocol as collateral to open a Vault. The collateral must maintain a minimum ratio of 150% relative to the borrowed MUSD. Borrowing: Borrowers can withdraw MUSD up to their borrowing limit, determined by the collateral ratio. A one-time borrow fee ( 2% ) is applied to the loan.
Redemption: MUSD holders can redeem their tokens for MSS at face value, ensuring the stability of MUSD's USD peg. A redemption fee incentivizes stability and discourages frequent redemptions.
Liquidation: If a Vault's collateral ratio falls below 150%, that Vault is liquidated to ensure the system's solvency. Stability Pool: Users can deposit MUSD into the Stability Pool, which is used to absorb liquidated debt. Depositors earn MSS and Moonshare rewards.
MoonShare Tokenomics
100 Million token hard cap
2 Million presale 2 Million initial liquidity 32 Million stability pool rewards Remaining supply will be used to fund LP bonding for protocol owned liquidity and other incentives to benefit the protocol
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